Around 1838, an American inventor Samuel Morse was traveling by stagecoach across the USA. He noticed that fresh horses were tethered to the stagecoach at 'stage' stations to sustain progress over the remaining journey
Improve the electrical transmission of information
Information transmitted electrically loses strength when it travels over distance
The electrical transmission of information was reliably improved through installing relay stations to boost signal energy and strength when required The total distance involved each time was traversed adequately because the information transmission was re-energized at appropriate junctures
Paying attention to the limits of current technology can be the trigger for an innovative solution. Because of the efforts of Samuel Morse, the Morse Code was invented
Breeding Comment
Drawing a broader parallel from a specific observation or experience and then visualizing a narrower application in a quite different setting is the secret behind idea breeding. Samuel Morse associated more broadly from the capability of fresh horses to boost physical energy and, in so doing, was able to breed and link together relay stations that would boost electrical energy